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25 Best Events Themes That Event Planners Recommend

Are you thinking about planning an event but confused by the theme choices?

Choosing a suitable theme for the occasion can be a frustrating task. Whether it’s a corporate event, a birthday party, or a baby shower, a theme can make a big difference. 

Here are the 25 themes for events that professional event planners recommend. These themes will not only make your guests drop their jaws but will also make your party planning smoother. 

Let’s dive into the pool of themes

Great Gatsby Glamour

1. Game of Thrones

Take your guests to the world of Westeros with the amazing and famous Game of Thrones theme. You can use banners of houses shown in the series, antique decorations, and dramatic lighting. This theme is evergreen and ideal for the big-time fans of GOT. Don’t forget to place a throne in your venue because it is the main element. 


  • Assign your guests characters from the show or let them pick one. They can be in the character throughout the event. 
  • Include an activity or a game where a player who wins gets to be the king/queen and they will be the ones winning the iron throne. 
  • Make sure you don’t add anything that doesn’t belong to the aesthetics of Game of Thrones. 

2. Casino Night

They wanna party in LA? Bring Las Vegas to home with an amazing Casino Night theme. For this theme, you may need to get into the tiny details but you can always hire a party planner to do that for you. You can execute it by setting up poker tables, roulette wheels and having a blackjack dealer on hand. This is one of the most exciting themes for events, suitable for corporate events and adult parties. 


  1. Include fun prizes for winners 
  2. Exciting games without the fear of losing real money
  3. Make sure you include fake money to make it realistic. 

3. Great Gatsby Glamour

If your guests have an old-school mindset then you can transport them back to the roaring twenties with a Gatsby theme. Think about flapper dresses, jazz music, and plenty of sparkle. This theme is perfect for sophisticated parties or even if you just want to have fun with your friends. 


  • Make sure you include a live jazz band.
  • Speakeasy bar to enhance the experience. 
  • Sparkling decorations
  • Spotlights and a dance floor 

4. Tropical Paradise

If you can’t go to the beach, bring the beach to you with a Tropical Paradise theme. To set up the tone, you can add palm trees, colourful flowers, and tiki bars. This is an ideal theme for summer parties and baby shower themes


  • Use fishnets as a table runner
  • Seashell props and decorations 
  • Coconuts and theme-related cocktails 

5. Harry Potter 

Bring magical vibes to your venue with a Harry Potter theme. Use house banners, wands, and potion props. Dress up as Hogwarts’ characters and use movie-like broomsticks as decoration pieces. The hype about Harry Potter is still in the sky and your guests will surely love it. This theme is just perfect for birthday parties and fan gatherings. 


  • The activity of sorting hat ceremony 
  • Assign characters or let your guests pick one
  • Send out invitations just like the ones in the movies. 

6. Arabian Night 

You can have an aesthetic event with an Arabian Night theme. If you are having a wedding, birthday party or any formal event, this theme would align flawlessly. You can use rich fabrics, lanterns, and plenty of cushions. The most important thing to complete the sense is to hire a belly dancer for suitable performances and exotic atmospheres. 


  • Use jewel bags for giveaways. 
  • Place candle holders
  • Create a rich environment by hiring a staff to serve drinks.
  • Serve foods like hummus, baklava and fruit smoothies. 

7. Bollywood Bash

Celebrate your occasion with a vibrant Bollywood Bash theme. Use bright and multi-colours that are mostly seen in Bollywood movies. Other than that, think of Indian decorations, Indian food and plenty of dancing of the specific hits. This theme is ideal for large celebrations. You can also hire a Bollywood actor to entertain your guests.


  • Bright and vibrant colours 
  • Spicy Indian food 
  • Signature Bollywood character costumes. 

8. Black And White Ball 

Keep it classic, aesthetic and sophisticated with a Black-And-White Ball. Make sure everything in the party space is either black colour or white. Keep a balance between both. Encourage your guests to dress in monochrome. And, to capture memories, must include a black and white photo booth. 


  • Black and white chess dance floor.
  • Add a pop of red if you want to add colours
  • Oreo inspired treats  
  • Zebra stripe goody bags. 

9. Back to School

Relive the good old days with a Back-To-School theme. Ask your guests to come to the event by dressing up as students with backpacks. To decorate your venue, use chalkboards, desks, and school supplies as decorations. This theme is perfect for reunions. 


  • Hand out party favours in mini backpack-shaped bags.
  • Include physical games you played as a kid. 
  • Serve food in lunch boxes.

10. Circus Extravaganza

Step into an exciting circus with a Circus Extravaganza theme. You can use bright colours, circus tents, and classic circus music to decorate your venue. This theme is a great deal for children’s parties and family events. Hire a clown to keep your guests entertained. 


  • Colourful invitations with a circus tent picture. 
  • Show time signs 
  • Red, yellow and blue balloons
  • Face painting station

11. Under the Sea

Dive deep into the ocean with an Under the Sea theme. Use relevant colours like blue and green for decoration. Add props made of seashells and pebbles. For example, a seashell tiara. This theme is suitable for every occasion. Be it, baby shower themes or adult parties. 


  • Fish props and bubble machines
  • Outdoor sitting on the sand 
  • Ice buckets filled with beverages. 

12.  Alice In Wonderland

Step into an unpredictable world with an Alice in Wonderland theme. Use unusual things for decorations like giant tea cups, playing cards and colourful flowers. This theme would automatically add fun to your event due to all the odd elements. It is perfect for birthday parties and fun tea parties. You can host a mad hatter’s tea party for a fun twist.


  • Use a children’s swimming pool to represent the pool of tears.
  • Goody bags with Alice’s illustrations 
  • Attach labels with the words ‘eat me’ and ‘drink me’ on food and drinks.

13. Boho Chic

If you are looking forward to throwing a relaxed event with style, do it with a Boho Chic theme. You can use earthy tones, dreamcatchers, and plenty of cushions for a comfortable setting. This theme is ideal for weddings and casual gatherings. Hire a live acoustic band that will add to the bohemian vibe.


  • Bohemian-inspired photo booth.
  • Props like flower crowns, vintage cameras, and boho accessories.

14. Luau

Make your event unforgettable with a Hawaiian-style Luau theme. This theme is ideal for every occasion, especially summer parties. You can serve a Hawaiian BBQ and tropical cocktails for a true island experience. 


  • Use leis, tiki torches, and tropical flowers for decorations.
  • DIY lei-making stations for your guests
  • Fresh fruits and slushes 

15. 1980s Throwback

People always follow new trends but why don’t you take a trip back to the ’90s with a 1980s throwback theme? 

Give your guests a new way to have fun and make your event memorable. You can use neon lighting, big hair wigs and a bunch of retro decorations. Make sure you make an 80s playlist to get everyone dancing throughout the party. 


  • Hire a DJ to play 80s hits and set up a dance floor with a disco ball.
  • Encourage your guests to wear 80s fashioned outfits
  • Neon colours, vinyl records, and retro posters.

16. Rustic chic 

If you and your guests love a more laid-back vibe then a Rustic Chic theme is perfect for your event. You can include burlap, lace and a lot of greenery to set the tone of the theme. It is ideal for weddings and family gatherings. 


  • Wooden tables, burlap runners, and mason jar centrepieces.
  • Add some fairy lights for a magical touch
  • Include pieces made out of wood or stone. 

17. Vintage Carnival

Bring the fun of the fair to your event with a Vintage Carnival theme. You can use colourful tents, classic carnival games and popcorn machines. This theme is known to entertain guests of every age. This is a great choice for a birthday planner London and community events.


  • Set up classic games like dunk tank, ring toss and a catchy photo booth with fun props.
  • Serve delightful treats like, popcorn, cotton candy and funnel cakes. 
  • Rent a Ferris wheel if possible. 

18. Enchanted Forest

Create a mysterious atmosphere with an Enchanted Forest theme. Use twinkling lights and wooden decorations. Try to find an outdoor space full of big trees so that it’s easier to create a forest-like ambience. Consider hiring a local actor who can dress up a fairy or elf for unstoppable entertainment. 


  • A fairy garden area with houses and bridges.
  • Serve sticks with chopped food on them and themed food like fairy berries (raspberries).
  • For colours, green, teal, blue and purple. 

19. Parisian Cafe 

Imagine a venue giving out paris-y vibes. You can bring a bit of Paris to your event with a Parisian cafe theme. This theme is perfect for brunches and intimate gatherings and a French music playlist will set the mood. You use Paris-like cafe tables and Eiffel Tower decorations. 


  • Eiffel Tower decoration pieces 
  • Set up a bar where you can serve croissants, macarons, and eclairs.
  • Hire a French DJ 
  • Use decent colours 

20. Garden Party

If you are thinking about an outdoor event then a Garden Party theme is just what you need for your signature party.  Use floral decorations, picnic blankets, and tons of fresh flowers. You can serve finger sandwiches and lemonade to give it a refreshing touch. 


  • Pastel colours and vintage tea sets 
  • Scones and herbal teas
  • Sunshade with hanging flower arrangements. 

21. Medieval Banquet

The great back-in-time Medieval Banquet theme aligns with every sort of occasion. You can decorate the venue using long wooden tables, goblets and a bulk of candles. This theme is especially ideal for birthday parties and historical recreation. 


  • Hire entertainers like jugglers, knights, and musicians to perform.
  • Serve medieval-style food such as roasted meats, bread, and ale.

22. Space Adventure

Land into the galaxy with a Space Adventure theme. Make your venue dreamy and futuristic props with dark colours, star decorations and mesmerising props. This theme would boost the essence of your event if you and your guests are already sci-fi fans. 


  • Start and planet cutouts.
  • Glow-in-the-dark accessories or space-themed costumes.
  • Set up a projector to display a starry night sky or space scenes.

23. Wild West

Make your guests scream “yee-haw!” with the Wild West theme. This theme is unique and will make your guests shocked and excited. You can include hay bales, cowboy hats, and rustic decorations to give it a wild theme. A line dancing lesson would be like a cherry on top of your event because it will get your guests involved in the moment. 


  • Mechanical bull or a roping station for entertainment.
  • BBQ-style food and drinks in mason jars.

24. Winter Wonderland 

Convert your venue into a snowy paradise with a Winter Wonderland theme. Decorate your event with wintery decorations like twinkling lights, ice flakes centrepieces, and fake snow. This theme is perfect for winter-season parties and Christmas. 


  • White and silver decor
  • Hot chocolate stations
  • Rent an ice sculpture

25. Masquerade Ball

Make your event mysterious with a Masquerade Ball theme. Ask your guests to wear elegant masks and wear the finest attires. You can have a masquerade ball at any time of the year but it’s usually perfect for formal events and New Year’s Eve.


  • Decorate with deep purples, gold, and velvet drapes.
  • Classical music playlist
  • Hire a string crew

Casino Night

Tips For A Successful Event 

  • Start planning early to make sure everything runs smoothly. 
  • Avoid overspending and stick to your budget. 
  • Consider hiring a birthday planner London if you are hosting a grand event. 
  • Send out invitations early so your guests have enough time to prepare. 
  • Be prepared for any sort of unexpected issue. 
  • Add personal touches with heartfelt party speeches to entertain your guests. 

Wrap up! 

Choosing the right theme can make your event memorable. If you’re planning a baby shower, a corporate event, or a birthday party, these themes for events will help you create an unforgettable experience for your guests.

 “Planning a theme party is like writing a novel – you have to create the story, the characters, and the setting to make it come to life.” – David Tutera

“Every event should have a theme, a thought, and a touch of magic.” – Debasish Mridha


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